FÍSICA IV | SUE975 | 21.01.2022 – 12.03.2022



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21.01.2022 – 12.03.2022


[…] This show outdoor interventions and their photos are made in the inhabited perimeter areas of Madrid, a bordering space where industrial estates coexist with vacant lots and highways. Although these spaces already have an extensive symbolic substratum for all of us, they are spaces that are dispossessed of a clear identity, somehow their “what for” concept is unknown. They are thus more permeable to interpretation spaces and in some way they suggest new readings. This is not only due to the absence of its functionality, but to the very morphology of the space, that provides enough formal severity to the artist interventions.

This elementary austerity produces that many of the images in the exhibition  adopt certain metaphysical meanings, which are intended to fit in with the theme of the project.

In this way, it must be noted that the choice for black and white is not only due to the interest in influencing the theoretical nature of the matter, since that is how the artist believes that B/W affects, but also because in winter, the open space acquires gray tones that suits perfectly to this photograph concept.

These installed volumes, which create their space through the fabric that delimits them, have later been installed in the gallery space. The aim is that the change of scale intensifies the presence of these spatial volumes, and that the aesthetic walk of the visitant is interfered with by their materiality, by their limits. […]

 “Física IV” (Excerpt)

Eduardo Lamparero 2022

You can read the full text here (only Spanish).

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