flanKo | LONGPIG … | 22.05.2015 – 27.06.2015



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flanKo |  Longpig …


“Abolish the principle of disappearing”

I’m not a reader of long stories, i prefer short ones, tales and loose fragments resulting from the action of opening a book to any page, loosing context, letting me go by stimuli that those bring me … Just like I do with songs or image frames that my eyes perceive.

That quote, extracted from a book by John Berger, offers a starting point for my ninth solo show … “Drawing” as a way to accept the absent, to make the absent to appear … It has been made real in a series of drawings rescued from the flashes retained during my constructive process as a person, which I wanted to capture in various formats, adding materials, textures and colors that bring me closer to them in order to remake them, hitting, peeling, filling, like a fleshy child , formed of straight strokes of nice angles and other more oblique, trying in the process to outline what is left, even if i can not control or understand everything … what already was but outlined “my flesh” and continues drawing me.

Perpendicular spaces to the infinite … dens, textured closures, of whom I wanted to escape from ( I do not run away from them now), stuffed with meat served for the senses and with the strange instinct of not knowing what we eat … Longpig

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