Sergio de Arrola | Rolling Habits: USA part 01 | 24.10.2014 – 29.11.2014



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Sergio de Arrola  |  Rolling Habits: USA part 01


A forgotten gas station next to a ramshackle road, this indian guy who lives in Hilsboro, Hank’s gaze that is always on his dog Cisco Kid, the dumpy 110 room of the Perryville Motel or the morning after Halloween.

48 days and more than 5000 kilometers between the cities of New York and Los Angeles. Black and white, and color photos, where people acquire special importance and landscapes define the american roads.

Sergio de Arrola, which is also known for his urban interventions with huge images on the corners of the city, launched this titanic trip with no company but his Leica M6 camera with a 50mm lens and his bike. So, ‘Rolling Habits: USA part 01’ is a visual diary of over fifty strong, familiar, and non manipulated images that show the view of Sergio de Arrola on the land of the opportunities.

With the occassion of the exhibition, De Arrola presents his first book, which shares its name with the show. Edited by TF Ediciones includes a selection of more than 100 photographs. 500 copies of this book will be sold exclusively at Swinton and Grant from October 24th.

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His new trip will take place in Africa. As he did along north America, he will ride his bike across Africa, from El Cairo to Cape Town. This will happen in early 2015.

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