Víctor Solana | Sublevados del Sol | 10.04.2015 – 16.05.2015



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Víctor Solana  |  Sublevados del sol


Moloch “el impostor”:

// “en la densidad de una Noche sin límites se nos ha dado a la Forma/ en un      espacio de muerte tan radiante// que fascina como la Luz”//

“ ¡¡Guerrilleros, prisioneros de todas las naciones liberaros de los límites, atravesad los umbrales, masticad los cortes, despedazad los flujos!! Guerrilleros de la Noche en la tierra abrid vuestros organismos de luz a este canto, vaciadlos; haceros receptivos al mensaje de RESISTENCIA TOTAL!!“


And with this shout of light and rage starts the dance with those images that come from the shadows: Víctor Solana, born in the dirty waters of the River Ebro at Zaragoza, had the prize of the Critiocs association of Aragon for the best painter under 35 and dives into the drowning to another forbidden area, he elevates us from the underground human being with “Sublevados del Sol”

Maybe Víctor Solana goes straight to the point, he owns his creatures and paints with passion to order all his intuitive trips to make easier for us to confront ourselves to the deforming mirrors. His Art set us free, it isolate us from the horror, in his drawing and strokes we can find the darkness of the biological mutation. Maybe this shapes biologist just want us to be kicked at the very centre of our sensitive system by a physical violence shot.


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