
Luis Pérez Calvo  |  Pipas, Chicles, Caramelos


For this “Mini solo show” Luis Pérez Calvo reserves a public bench for all of us and invites us to share a whole evening eating chewing gum, sweets and sunflower seeds.


Luis Pérez Calvo was born in Madrid and grew playing at the streets from Lavapiés neighborhood.

And this is very important as his childhood, several years that he always come back to create. That’s why we can find elements that come from Circus, those never ending cinema sessions, the audio cassettes, vinyl records, sundays at El Rastro, popular fairgrounds and comics.

If he was born in Queens or Brooklyn his art work won’t be so different from so many contemporary artists. But this small detail allows us to find Marvel Superheroes next to Pumby or Jaimito, that Ringling Bros. circus mixes the chinese theater of Manolita Chen and Madrilean streets full of robots, androids and Krakens.