

1st solo show by India Toctli at Swinton Gallery

February 2nd 2024 – March 30th 2024

Worlds and characters created by India Toctli are designed to heal, expand minds, bring closer what belongs to us but they have not allowed us to fully experience. These are not idyllic scenes of a perfect universe, but rather the essence of our own cosmos opened up through the imagination. Come and see what we can become if we desire hard. No one will be able to stop us once we have awakened to the awareness of being authentic.

The idea of awakening is key in India’s work, all of her pictorial work is based on a radical change in her life: realizing that her deepest desires can be achieved without disappointing anyone or feeling bad about it. As a child she thought painting was not serious enough, so she banished the natural impulse to paint and dedicated herself to another form of expression that, at the time, she considered with greater approval: poetry. Writing poems was painting pictures with the mind, contains a body that is constrained by its own thoughts. Poetry was only an intermediate step towards the true liberation of India through painting. The road was not easy, but it was definitive. She got pregnant at 33 years old, from and wanted to show herself to her daughter just as she is; because only from internal peace it is possible to vibrate high, transmit true happiness, serve as an example of freedom. The new personal energy cycle coincides with another on a global level: in 2012 the age of Aquarius began, the earth aligns with the center of the galaxy, giving rise to an unprecedented vibrational change. The settings of the paintings of India and its inhabitants respond to this harmony and invite viewers to join. Come, enter, don’t judge, just feel, let yourself be carried away by the colors, the enchanted volcanic landscapes… Relax, have a hot cup of the potion that works for you.

Vibrar Alto (excerpt) by Curator Nerea Ubieto, 2024