It’s a pleasure for us to take part again in “PROYECTOR, Festival Internacional de Videoarte 2015” along with one of our favourite artists: Raisa Maudit.
Lectura Y Adoctrinamiento
“Two years ago, a copy of “El varón domado”, book by Esther Vilar, fell on my hands. This is an anti-feminist book and a basis for the Man Liberation Movement. Was a gift from a male friend of me who knowing me an activ feminist woman, thought it would be interesting that I own it. He thought it was a “feminist” book in fact. During this video I read (“lectura”) a fragment of the book, from the chapter titled “What is a human male?”, following with irony what the author wants to tell us, playing with the roles of domination, (“adoctrinamiento”). “
I move and work between different spaces, from Contemporary Art to social movements and politics and activist collectives. I have a degree in Fine Arts by Barcelona University in 2010. After that I moved to Madrid where I took part in different workshops with artists and artistic collectives, and specific studies about Politics, critics, Technology, TIC and gender. My proyjects have been shown in galleries, fairs and european museums as MUSAC, Gitte Böhr Gallerie: Club für Kunst und potisches Denken, Espacio Flausina Lx, Canarias Mediafest, Fundación Antonio Saura, Espacio Trapezio, ESTAMPA, CA2M, Galería Liebre or LABoral Centro de Arte.