TACCUINI | ALICE PASQUINI | 31.01.2025 – 13.02.2025
“Taccuini” , in addition to showing Alicè’s original notebooks, includes brief comments (in Italian and English) by the artist…
El trabajo de Batcheller llama la atención sobre los problemas sociales mediante la representación de la transformación constante. Al…
TODO ES NÚMERO | 108 NERO | 27.01.2023 – 11.03.2023
“I need to find a melody, which for me is central, which generates the main form of the painting….
COMPOSICIÓN Y RITMOS | PAMIES | 01.12.2022 – 14.01.2023
There is a Jose Luis Pamies architect and a Jose Luis Pamies artist, but both are inseparable as constructive…
MONOPOLY URBANO | DOS JOTAS | 16.09.2022 – 05.11.2022
El proyecto relaciona acciones artísticas en el espacio público de forma independiente e incluso ilegal, con las rutinas comerciales…
A P A R T | DINA ROUDMAN | 06.05.2022 – 09.07.2022
“A P A R T” is the first major solo exhibition of Dina…
FÍSICA IV | SUE975 | 21.01.2022 – 12.03.2022
This show outdoor interventions and their photos are made in the inhabited perimeter areas of Madrid, a bordering space…
TRANSPARAÍSO | ANDRÉS SENRA | 19.11.2021 – 08.01.2022
Science and philosophical thought in the 20th century established a fictitious parallel between the genetic code and the binary…
SRGER belongs to that flow of contemporary artists more interested in contradiction, in asking questions more than in providing…
OLGA DE DIOS | SPRAY COCKTAIL PARTY | 21.05.2021 – 15.07.2021
luorine pink strokes, visionary clouds, cactus cuttings, stones with glitter tears, inverted rainbows, shooting stars, double-headed splashes … Characters…
HACIA LAS NUBES | 108 NERO | 29.01.2021 – 31.03.2021
1ª solo show by 108 Nero at Swinton Gallery
January 29th 2021 – March 31st 2021
“With rapid course, along the…
GOD · VOID · END | MARIO MANKEY | 20.11.2020 – 08.01.2021
After thousands of years of unbridled selfish sprint race, Homo Sapiens has shown a constant dysfunction in the relationship…
SEIS | SIXTH ANNIVERSARY GROUP SHOW | 11.09.2020 – 31.10.2020
Swinton Gallery is six years old now and that’s the reason why we have asked nine resident artists to…
Facing technocapitalist transhumanism, the eugenic dream by Silicon Valley, which presents the “improved” man in his productive, sensory and…
DE AQUELLAS HIERBAS, ESTAS FLORES | SRGER | 17.01.2020 – 01.03.2020
From the plurality of probable scenarios, each “seed” conquers certain attributes in the tortuous formalization process, experience violent transits…
NO PAIN[ T ] | GROUP SHOW | 29.11.2019 – 04.01.2020
Undoubtedly, Urban Art (the one that contemporary artists perform in the public space without the mediation of curators, galleries…
Making love in the name of the devil, is a deep idea questioning the principle of authority. It stands…
ACERO PULIDO | DOS JOTAS | 24.05.2019 – 13.07.2019
For his second solo exhibition at Swinton Gallery, DosJotas (Madrid, 1982) produces an installation that floods the volumetric space…
DOWNTUNED | ROBERT HARDGRAVE | 22.03.2019 – 12.05.2019
When Robert Hardgrave and I talk about his work, the metaphor of skateboarding often comes up. Robert agrees with…
VERDAD Y MÉTODO | SUE975 | 25.01.2019 – 03.03.2019
Truth is what you want to say, what you have to tell. Everyone has his or her own. Mytruth…
After millions of years of life on our planet, layers and layers of geological events have happened and been…
PROABSTRACTION+ | GROUP SHOW | 14.09.2018 – 20.10.2018
Dafne Tree
Duncan Passmore
Elbi Elem
Julia Benz
Martina Merlini
CU4TRO | GROUP SHOW | 22.06.2018 – 22.07.2018
After four years of activity, we want to celebrate, with all the people who have accompanied us, the experience…
MKNZM | AUGUSTINE KOFIE | 23.03.2018 – 27.05.2018
Augustine Kofie
MKNZM (Swinton Gallery, Madrid 2018)MKNZM (Mechanism), en Swinton Gallery, es la primera exposición individual de Augustine Kofie en…
URVANITY 2018 | Group Show
February 21st 2018 | February 25th 2018 @ La sede COAM
SPECTRUM | GROUP SHOW | 19.01.2018 – 25.02.2018
In the same way that light can be split up into different wavelengths, this group exhibition titled SPECTRUM breaks…
LAURENCE VALLIÈRES | DISCARDED | 10.11.2017 – 04.01.2018
Some people think that the human being is a pest, a parasite that acts in an outrageous way and…
KAUFMAN | GENERATOR | 15.09.2017 – 21.10.2017
“Generator” by Kaufman (1975, Hitchin, England) is based on a return to the origins where black on white can…
Drag Attack is an artistic project by Tatu Vuolteenaho in venues and nightclubs in Helsinki, Madrid and Valencia since…
FREE WEE PROJECT | #GenderFree | 23.06.2017 – 29.07.2017
As part of the Free Wee Project, in its most immediate presentation, #GenderFree is a collective exhibition…
Javier Iglesias (Gnosick) | ATARAXIA GEOMÉTRICA | 12.05.2017 – 17.06.2017
La ataraxia fue denominada por epicúreos, estoicos y escépticos como un estado de ánimo mediante el cual se disminuía…
DINGOPERROMUDO | PSIQUE | 12.05.2017 – 17.06.2017
In every moment of crisis and change, when everything around seems to be collapsing, we have a safe refuge…
SPOGO | MUNDO FLOTANTE | 25.03.2017 – 29.04.2017
For Japanese culture, peace and harmony are associated with balance, qualities that in turn are a true reflection of…
NAOKI FUKU | ARASHIZUKA | 25.03.2017 – 29.04.2017
Naoki Fuku is a Japanese artist who lives and works in Germany and Switzerland. From the beginning of his…
CRASHERS! Art from Spain, Berlin and Beyond | Group Show | 18.03.2017 – 27.03.2017
@KEYSTONE ART SPACE, Los Angeles, California.18.02.2017 – 27.03.2017
ALICE PASQUINI | NOTHING LOST | 3.02.2017-11.03.2017
“As we know in nature nothing is lost, everything is transformed, or simply regenerated.”
Antoine-Laurent de LavoisierSwinton Gallery is pleased…
BERNARDO LOPESINO | (no) VOID | 03.02.2017-11.03.2017
Inspired by the image titled “Pale Blue Dot” (the photograph of The Earth that took the Voyager 1 from…
LAGUNA | MATERIAL | 16.12.2016 – 21.01.2017
Paper and cardboard inside wooden and plastic squares.
Figures living in the layered schemes, disappeared features,
between light and color. -
SABEK | ESCISIÓN | 16.12.2016 – 21.01.2017
Not long ago, when almost everything was implicitly wild, nature was a fundamental part of the human being. Nature…
RALLITOX | INSIGHT RALLITOX | 04.11.2016 – 04.12.2016
In this exhibition the artist speaks about the person who hides behind the pseudonym. Like many creators included in…
OLGA DE DIOS | LEOTOLDA | 04.11.2016 – 04.12.2016
Olga de Dios characters learn how to overcome their disadvantages in a world dominated by mainstream normativity. They are…
Aristotle argued in his “Politics” that the citizen who does not live within human limits must be “an irrational…
ALBERTO M. CENTENERA | ESTADO FALLIDO | 16.09.2016 – 22.10.2016
Is a rainbow a rainbow, if it has no color? Is a State a State, if it is not…
DOS | 2º ANIVERSARIO DE SWINTON GALLERY | 17.06.2016 – 23.07.2016
In May 2014 we opened Swinton Gallery’s doors. Since then, our two exhibition spaces that conform our Gallery have…
ANIMALITOLAND | CORTEZA INVISIBLE | 17.06.2016 – 23.07.2016
In “CORTEZA INVISIBLE” Animalitoland superimposes layers of characters, one over each other, like the color layers that create her…
RURRU MIPANOCHIA | POR-NO: Monstruos Panochones Prehispánicos | 21.04.2016 – 04.06.2016
We are currently witnessing in western societies to a tyranny of the body based on the Greco-Roman canons of…
SPIDERTAG | SECUENCIAS MÍNIMAS | 21.04.2016 – 04.06.2016
Half-way between the big town and the countryside, between the urban and the rural environments, SPIDERTAG offers a trip…
TEJE LA ARAÑA | GRANNYMAN STARTS AGAIN | 18.03.2016 – 09.04.2016
For Swinton Gallery’s MaHunkel room we created an interactive video installation consisting on a video projection controlled by an…
WOB · White On Black · | A black and white group show | 19.02.2016 – 09.04.2016
Swinton Gallery presents a group exhibition that explores the pictorial possibilities of the absence of colorful elements. Art works…
OSKAR MARÍA RAMOS | 4MONALISA | 15.01.2016 – 13.02.2016
Who is Mona Lisa?
What is she thinking as she poses?
What was her relationship with the artist and what did… -
RAISA MAUDIT | SPACE NIHILISTA | 15.01.2016 – 13.02.2016
Did you experience a big disappointment in 1998, when Geri Halliwell, -also known as “Ginger Spice”- left the band?…
ROBERT HARDGRAVE | TO BE DETERMINED | 03.12.2015 – 09.01.2016
«To Be Determined is about the unpredictability of the future and the fallible certainty of the past. To Be…
JUDAS ARRIETA | CÓMICS ABSTRACTOS | 03.12.2015 – 09.01.2016
Judas Arrieta describes his paintings and drawings as ”abstract comics”, and that may let us think that there is…
PACO Y MANOLO | TERRAIN VAGUE | 23.10.2015 – 28.11.2015
Hay una cosa que hemos repetido mil veces: somos de barrio.
Pero no de barrio tal y como se entiende…
KYLE HUGHES-ODGERS | A SURVIVAL GUIDE | 23.10.2015 – 28.11.2015
This exhibition is the final outcome from a 1 month residency in Madrid and the end of 3 months…
During this video I read (“lectura”) a fragment of the book, from the chapter titled “What is a human…
Edgar Flores SANER y Javier Iglesias GNOSICK | ATLÁNTICO | 11.09.2015 – 17.10.2015
“Atlántico” represents the reunion of two brothers separated and linked by an ocean. Saner and Javier Iglesias are not…
Why children icons cause fear? Why a costume of a cartoon character always falls into grotesque? There is a…
DOSJOTAS | EFÍMERO POLÍTICO | 03.07.2015 · 02.08.2015
“Efímero Político” combines two of the recurring themes in the work of the Madrid born artist DosJotas. On one…
BLO | Dreams Have no Titles | 22.05.2015 · 27.06.2015
BLO is a modern day surgeon, born in France and based in Berlin he splices between Man Ray’s nudes…
flanKo | LONGPIG … | 22.05.2015 – 27.06.2015
“Abolish the principle of disappearing”
I’m not a reader of long stories, i prefer short ones, tales and loose fragments…
Luis Pérez Calvo | Pipas, Chicles, Caramelos | 10.04.2015 – 16.05.2015
For this “Mini solo show” Luis Pérez Calvo reserves a public bench for all of us and invites us…
Víctor Solana | Sublevados del Sol | 10.04.2015 – 16.05.2015
And with this shout of light and rage starts the dance with those images that come from the shadows:…
Antonyo Marest | El Hundimiento | 10.04.2015 – 16.05.2015
Antonyo Marest | El Hundimiento
Antonyo Marest presents his thoughts about the greatest work done by human beings during last…
Pablo S. Herrero | Monomanía (Urdimbre) | 27.02.2015 – 04.04.2015
The vision of reality through a single graphical component, the tree and its variants, is the connecting thread of…
Antonio Feliz | Mise en Abyme | 27.02.2015 – 04.04.2015
Mise en Abyme is a pictorial analysis of literature fiction and several theories that critics have developed over the…
Andrés Senra | 2003 – 2014 | 16.01.2015 – 21.02.2015
Andrés Senra 2003-2014 is a solo show with projects by the artist selected by a group of curators, cultural…
PEDRO SEGA | EDÉN | 12.12.2014 – 10.01.2015
Showing 17 pieces full of symbolism, in “Edén”, the snake is the main character for all of them. Since…
LAGUNA Y AMIGo/aS | EYo/aS | 12.12.2014 – 10.01.2015
Axel_Void, Bimbo, Bktx, Blando, Cere, Deih, E1000, Ed Zumba, Emilio Cerezo, Fada, Hyuro, Jaz, Johe, Kafre, Kenor, Lolo,…
Sergio de Arrola | Rolling Habits: USA part 01 | 24.10.2014 – 29.11.2014
Una gasolinera destartalada al pié de un camino olvidado, aquel indio que vive en Hilsboro, la mirada de Hank…
Lázaro Totem | Delirium | 12.09.2014 – 18.10.2014
Lázaro Totem lives and works in Madrid, after a period as advertising art director, now he is fully dedicated…
RallitoX | Confundiendo España | 12.09.2014 – 18.10.2014
RallitoX was born in Barcelona but nowadays he lives in Berlin. He has spread its revolution at different galleries…
Le mal du Pays | E1000 | 09.05.2014 – 14.06.2014
Le mal du pays is a french expression that means homesick for the place you belong and that you can’t live…